Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Review: X-Men: First Class

Director: Matthew Vaughn

Release date: 2 June 2011

Genre: Comic book action hero

Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Kevin Bacon

Memorable quote:
Erik Lehnsherr:
Tomorrow, mankind will know that mutants exist. They will fear us, and that fear will turn to hatred.

Before the world knew them as Professor X and Magneto their names were Erik Lensherr and Charles Xavier. We see how both mutants discover their powers; Xavier by helping others, and Erik through fury and anger. Long before they were archenemies, they were closest friends teamed up against the biggest thread the world has ever seen, World war 3. The small crack and a disagreement on the future of the mutants, becomes a huge gap between the two friends and signifies the beginning of the eternal war between Magneto and Professor X. Best friends who became the biggest enemies.


I couldn’t wait for this movie to come out, I saw every poster, trailer, read every possible spoiler before it came out and when it came oh boy, I didn’t see nothing yet. Even though we know the end, you still don’t know how you will get there and the way is just a masterpiece.
From the very beginning you see that Magneto and the professor stand in the middle of everything. You have additional characters but they all fall in the background. Even though others might see this as a negative thing I believe it’s exactly the beauty of the whole movie.

You can see magneto and Xavier shine, see how their characters are being formed, and how the future of X-men is being written. Those characters where definitely the backbone of this great movie.

Then we have the story, which was just great, taking history and rapping all of it around the mutants is just brilliant. The villain: every comic book hero must have a villain, we couldn’t ask for a better bad guy. He presented this evil in such a beautiful way. Last but not least we get the amazing special effects, especially our friend magneto; the effects really showed us the power behind his mutation. I can go on here but this goes then in to spoilers, sorry.

Difficult, I liked it, so finding something negative is difficult. Let’s say that besides that the other mutants fell in the background. I wasn’t sure about the casting for all of them. I think mystique wasn’t that good and this angel, spitting fly really sucked. That’s it.

I loved this one, I’m quite sad that it ended already; I would love it to continue. But hey there are others already in production, so don’t cry. Another amazing thing was the small but so important glimpse of Wolverine, I just couldn’t help it, it was amazing. I never put a quote at the end but I just loved this.

Erik Lehnsherr: Excuse me, I'm Erik Lehnsherr.
Professor Charles Xavier: Charles Xavier.
Logan, (wolverine): Go fuck yourself!!

Because of all the above I grade this one…

Grade: 8.5 out of 10



  1. Shlomi SchlossbergJune 28, 2011 at 7:31 AM

    I loooovvvveeed this movie man, one of the best i've seen in theaters this year!

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-3qnR3n-fc

    this is my answer and treat for you
