Thursday, December 30, 2010

Review: despicable me

Director: Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud

Release date: 5 August 2010

Genre: Animation , comedy

Casting: (voices) Steve Carell, Jason Segel and Russell Brand

Memorable quote:
Gru: We are going to pull of the TRUE crime of the century... we are going to steal the MOON!
Edith: Are these beds made from bombs?
Gru: Yes, but they are very old and are not likely to explode. But don't toss and turn.

Usually I’m not a big fan of animation movies, but once in a while you have one thats just better than the others, original, fresh, funny and in our case beautifully weird. The idea and the script were great. The super evil bad guy, who becomes kind of a loving father figure, is great. But the best thing of all this were the characters, Gru, the kids and the yellow minions. Gru reminded me of an eviler version of Dr evil, but in a funny way. Steven carrel who gave his voice for this was just amazing; he gave Gru this evil and scary but still adorable character. The orphans where evil but in a childish way, not on purpose and oops! Loved it. Now the best were the minions, you can’t understand them, but every time you see them they just make you laugh.

I didn't like the character of Victor, the real evil guy; he wasn’t really evil he just tried to be. He was just a kid in a yellow jumpsuit, not to convincing. But I loved his guns and weapons they had a lot of cool imagination.

The movie made me laugh and that’s the most important thing here. The beautiful thing in such an animation is that’s it’s suitable for kids and for adults, everyone gets something to do. Definitely watch this at home when it comes on DVD or something else, just relax and enjoy. Because of all the above I grade this one…

Grade: 7,5


Review: the other guys

Director: Adam McKay

Release date: 6 August 2010

Action, Comedy

Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L. Jackson, Dwayne Johnson and Eva Mendes

Memorable quote:
Terry Hoitz: The sound of your piss hitting the urinal, it sounds feminine. If we were in the wild, I would attack you. Even if you weren't in my food chain, I would go out of my way to attack you. If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I would swim out in the middle of the ocean and freaking eat you!

In every police station you got them, the awesome-strong-macho-all knowing detectives, and then you have the other guys who represent the opposite! Well this story talks about the other guys, obviously! Following a stupid lead they stumble in one of the biggest cases of fraud in the history of men. Of course considering they are the other guys they don't get all the back up they would and should want, will they crack the case?

Will Ferrell is the sort comedian that I like a lot. He fitted this character perfectly, the weak, feminine, paper – pushing-cop with a crazy pimp history. His outbursts of rage during the movie were hilarious, in short I love this guy, he made a lot of lazy comedies but at the end they always crack me up, even if the script sucked.

I think Wahlberg was the perfect opposite of Ferrell; his role was funny and refreshing. The script was quite good, couple of ups and downs but overall good.

Not too much of negative stuff. I think the whole swindle was a bit far fetched, a business guy, who loses money that belongs to another guy who steals from another guy, bla bla bla. Make it short it’s a freaking comedy; bad guy who wants to become rich is enough most of the time.

I liked the movie, fun and I even laughed a couple of times, not perfect but that’s enough for an action comedy. The comedy was good, the action not always, but good enough. I liked all the Prius action, cracked me up! Because of all the above I grade this one…

Grade: 7,5


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Forgotten Hero: Independence Day

Director: Roland Emmerich

Release date: 9 august 1996

Genre: action, adventure and science fiction( alien style)

Casting: Will Smith, Bill Pullman , Jeff Goldblum

Memorable quote:

Albert Nimzicki: I'm not Jewish.
Julius Levinson: Well, nobody's perfect.


Russel Casse: All right, you alien assholes! In the words of my generation: Up Yours!

What? The question, if we are alone in the universe got answered! The problem is ET got a gun, and lots of them. They don't like us and they don't want us here. But we will not go down without a fight!

Yes? The year is 1996, I am 11 years old, my cousin decided we should go watch a movie, and he chooses the one with the scary aliens. I don't need to mention that I was awake that night fighting my imagination, but what is for sure this movie has raised the level of alien movies to a whole new level. The special effects were beautiful for this time. Action scenes where amazing. The story keeps you guessing till the end. The cast was perfectly assembled. And the gentle comedy makes you even laugh in the eyes of annihilation of the human race. I loved this film, I saw him at the movies, bought the VHS and later the DVD, that's how you should make an alien action movie.

No? Actually it’s quite difficult to find anything bad to say about this great movie, but since it’s not perfect we have some small things. The movie was quite long, not that I dislike long movies, but the moments that make the movie longer should be filled with needed material, for example, the presidents wife or the secretary of defense their roles where not needed. Another point, needed to add wasn't this movies fault but the circumstances around it, during this time great and awesome action movies came out like the rock( by the way another forgotten hero I might add) which made this action a bit less. But even so I think that's all.

Well? I can say that I love this movie. The story and actors made it became a hero, which again is important not to forget this one. Another interesting fact: this movie made an astonishing 800 million$ in gross income and stood at the top till Titanic swept the title away. Hero is a well deserved title for this one. Because of all the above I grade this one...

Grade: 8.5