Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Review: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Director: Oliver Stone

Release date: 24 September 2010

Genre: drama

Casting: Shia LaBeouf, Michael Douglas, Carey Mulligan and Josh Brolin.

Memorable quote:
Gordon Gekko: It's not about the money - It's about the game
Gordon Gekko: Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs? They get slaughtered.

Same story, but this time we have different players, everything goes faster and bigger. A millionaire doesn't count for nothing when a billionaire stands next to him. We found ourselves before the biggest financial crisis in human history, and in the middle of all that we have Jake Moore who's going to marry Gekkos daughter who recently came out of the joint. In exchange for some tutoring Moore tries to unite father and daughter. Who plays big looses big!!

Again, sequel so we must see it. Is it any good? Well the first movie was quite difficult to understand, the second one was easier and had some nice effects in it. LaBeouf is good, Douglas is awesome based on those two we have a movie. I liked the connection between the two movies, the old and the new had a good overflow. Another nice touch was Josh Brolin, he always comes off as the evil guy, and he definetly did it here. Everybody is connected to this crisis and everyone needs a bad guy. If people wouldn’t know about Maddof&co, he could take the fall for every last bit of the crisis.

There's nothing new. It’s exactly like the first one, but Douglas hair isn't so arranged anymore and the color has faded. We have the same ideas like his older brother but bigger and flashier. Money is still money but changes hands quicker. A small thing that bothered me is the fact that we have more than one evil guy in the movie. You start feeling for the one, then you hate the character, then you like him again. I like it when the evil guy stays evil, and vice versa.

Watch it, I liked it. The thing is if you want to make a remake don't call it number two, don't only change the players but change the story. Because of all the above I grade this…

Grade: 6.5 out of 10


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