Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review: Limitless

director: Neil Burger

release date: 18 March 2011

genre: action

casting: Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro and Abbie Cornish

memorable quote:

Vernon: You know how they say we can only access 20% of our brain?
[Vernon points out the NZT pill on the table]
Vernon: This lets you access all of it.


Imagine you had the power to change everything that you know, by just taking a pill, wouldn't you do it? I'm sure you would ask, “you mean in a good way”, then of course you would say yes, but what if you just don't know what's going to happen would you give the same answer? That's the story of our loser writer who got the chance to change his life.


Two things made me like this movie, originality and entertainment, this movie had both and in overflow. We had this dream that everyone wants to take part off wherein everything we come in contact with turns into gold. Then we get the slight touch of action. And in the middle of all that Robert de Niro and Cooper who did a great job here. They did some beautiful stuff with the camera where you just keep on going like you fly, a nice touch which gives you kind of the feeling that you are unstoppable which is what the wonder drug does. This kind of movies have most of the time a great flow, some action and well a predictable ending, in our case it wasn’t, this movie was really fun, from the beginning till the end!

I didn't really find flaws, maybe the fact that all the supporting actors just faded in the background, we had a one man show were none of the others was needed. Not the girlfriend, the cop or anybody else.

This movie was fun and refreshing, even the ending was good. Not as predictable as you would expect. Watch it, even at the movies, you won't regret it. Because of all the above I grade this one...

Grade 8 out of 10


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