Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Review : the expendables

Director: Sylvester Stallone

Release Date: 12 August 2010

Genre : Action, Action and Action

Casting: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Randy Couture, Mickey Rourke, Terry Crews

memorable quote:

Barney Ross: What the hell's he doing?
Lee Christmas: Hanging a pirate.
Barney Ross: Don't be ridiculous. Gunnar! What are you doing?
Gunnar Jensen: Hanging a pirate.
Toll Road: That's seriously demented.

What it’s all about:

A bunch of ruthless mercenaries equipped with the newest weapons, backed up by brutal talent in martial arts, get on a mission to eliminate the general of a small army that led a coup d’état in order to make money in the drug business. The mission is pure suicide , will they come out of it with bags or in bags?

Why yes?

When you make a shake and you put a your favourite stuff in it, most of the times you get a decent shake. You take a decent script, put most of the action heroes on the planet in it and start shaking, you get some good “old school” milkshake, with, blood cloths, bullets, knives and guns. The whole movie, except for maybe 10 minutes was pure action, and not so stupid ass aerobic classes, we saw knuckles, fists and amazing explosions. I must admit I didn’t know what to expect, but this was more than expected. We had three or four major action scenes where you just get everything that is needed to make action scenes. Well placed brutality, beautiful stunts and well executed use of force. None of the above listed actors is perfect in any way, but as action heroes, they do just fine. I just spoke about the action cause this is what you get.

Why not?

Difficult to say, maybe the script wasn’t so good. We could say that Stallone filmed the action scenes and then wrote a story behind it in order to make a movie out of it. We get some touchy scenes , maybe to give the movie some moments of peace, I believe that you could minimize those, or even cut them out. Eric Roberts should start to find other roles and not always be the villain, you would believe that he and a couple of other older dudes are the only ones who can be evil.


What can I say I love those hardcore action movies, with gallons of blood and C4. Of course the script wasn't Shakespeare but in a movie like this we don’t need such a script. Stallone delivered a nice and exiting film, so yes we will extend his pass to be an action hero for at least one more movie. I would recommend to watch this at the movies considering all the action and explosions are nicer on a big screen, so enjoy. Last thing, I loved it that even Arnold got his minute of fame, considering this movie is a tribute to action heroes , respect Sly. Because of all the above I grade this one...

Grade: (7,5 out of 10)


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