Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Wolverine, Trailer!

If there is a movie series that I love, its X-men, and everything related to it. If we go a bit deeper into this series we could differentiate again between all the mutant movies and the once in which Wolverine is the main character. The idea of humans with special powers was always an interesting subject, but forget that, I just loved the movies before this one and I believe this one will be great too. Enjoy!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dexter final season, amazing trailer!

So I a know I haven't posted anything for a long time but this doesn't mean I don't like you anymore. The fact is people need to make a living and this here doesn't pay me anything yet. But I won't go under like this. Hell no!

I will Continue to post stuff on the blog even if it gets me f***d. Back to business now. So Dexter will come out at the end of June with the final season, I as a big admirer of the series are sad about the whole ending, but I hope they will go out with a boom. So here below you can watch a long and juicy trailer for the eight and final season of Dexter, enjoy!

So excited, Mammoth.