Director: Zack Snyder
Stars: Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens and Abbie Cornish
Release Date: 21 April 2011
Genres: Action , Adventure ,Fantasy
memorable quote:
Wiseman: If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
First I Must apologize for the fact that this movie is a bit older, but as I said before, I watch it so I need to review it, so enjoy.
After her mother dies, Baby Doll gets locked up in a mental facility by her abusive dad after she almost kills him. Being kept in hell on earth she uses her imagination to try to escape out of this hellhole. The reality and her imagination are the key for the escape to the other side. To escape she came up with a plan wherein she needs five different items. Every item becomes a different mission, where her fantasies take here to battlefields and missions in the past and the future. All this needs to happen before it is too late!
In the trailers before they showed us already the simple fact that the whole movie surrounds eye candy. Yes girls in lingerie with big gun fill the movie theaters. Of course it’s not the most subtle way but it works. The story was quite interesting, and I even enjoyed the fight scenes. I liked all the special effects and big explosions, those came in big contrast to the so fragile little girls fighting in them.
Most of the actors where unknown for me and they did they job, being pretty and kicking ass. On the other hand you had this guide, who I just loved, he had this wisdom and oldness that just leaked from him. And then we had the bad guy, sometimes you have someone who tries to play the bad person and it just doesn’t come of like this, here the bad guy just gave me a bad feeling, he was convincing.
The whole filmed surrounded this darkness you had never any sunlight, everything was macabre and dark which was really good.
A thing that disturbed me was the lack of reality, in every movie, as weird as it should be the reality factor is important here it was just over the top, we had this feeling of Charlie’s Angels in Hell.
The whole package was just not convincing, I just didn’t connect to the whole story, it had definitely some good stuff but not enough to be considered good.
It was a movie with some good qualities, but all in all not enough to be considered a movie you need to watch, it was childish and not convincing. If you haven’t watched it I think you shouldn’t watch it, only if you have a serious lack in female attention and you like girls in lingerie with guns. Because of all the above I grade this one…
Grade: 6 out of 10