When somebody ask me what’s your favourite movie, I think a minute, look angry at him and answer. (It is important to know that I’m a big guy, not actually big but wide, big boned you might say, so this can be a scary moment) What in the world is wrong with you!! There is no favourite movie, there is no best movie and there will never be a best movie. Maybe I can give you a list of my favourite movies, now that’s something I can give you. The question always is, how long does this list needs to be, top 5, top 10, 100, 250? You see I’m a human and not a machine, I’ll try to give you my top 10, which is again o so difficult.
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Fight Club
3. Forrest Gump
5. Gladiator
8. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
9. Rocky
Now again this is of course of the top of my mind, I will elaborate on why and what on a later moment. It is important that you understand that sometimes I will prefer other movies or in a different order, just to clear that up. Now let’s say, if you are an alien and you come from mars or you have been on an deserted island for the last 50 years then yes I would absolutely start with the list above, you f*cking freak, get to work now!! For all the other normal people, if you have any comments or ideas on my list, I will be happy to read them.